“Transforming Each Life Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ”

Serving Opportunities

Join Our Team

  • Welcoming

    Ushers for Services

    Supporting New Members

    Membership Classes

  • Worship

    Praise Leaders / Singers

    Instrumental players

    Praise Team Media

  • Audio / Visual

    PowerPoint / Video

    Sound Engineering

    Live Streaming

  • Communication

    Website / Social Media

    Newsletters / Bulletins

    Media Design / Decoration

  • Next Generation

    Sunday School Teachers

    Praise Team for Kids & Youth

    AWANA Leaders

  • Connection


    Special Events

    Supporting Members‘ Needs

  • Outreach

    Local / Global

  • Finance

    Book Keeping / Accounting

  • Community Group

    Leading Groups

  • Sports

    Organizing Sports Night

  • Food

    Fellowship Food

  • Facility Management

    Cleaning and Organizing

Basic Teaching Series